Thursday, August 21, 2014

How to Live Forever ... in a Heartbeat

Losing Hope
never adds years
to your life

Tracking Fears
is the juiciest truth
no more strife

Really letting go
then, JOY appears ...
Drop that knife!

Katherine Marion

How Much Are You Willing to Lose .. to Grain real 'Weight?'

Met a Woman with a fibroid the size of a melon
The farm-fresh country roses, she wasn't smell'n 

Dropping her x, right onto his lumpy ego-laden head
Surely 40 lbs she must have courageously shed

Stretch marks on sloppy arms, from holding back lies
Cellulite upon her buttock's from ass-wrong ties

Bloated tummy under a pretty, white, cotton dress
Sheer summertime makeup to mask apparent stress

Keeping a Vision Board in your lonely bedroom 
Means nothing is every part of life is filled with" no room"

Losing lies costs pennies compared to keeping track
Keeping faith helps get your old confidence back

Balance is not achieved by jumping on the scales 
'Doing your work' is never trimming down.. your sails

When jumping from a cliff onto an umbrella, below
Make sure it is left open; to grow new wings to glow ...!.

Katherine Marion 

Free Spirits' .. Cost Nothing

Free Spirit's .. Cost Nothing 

The price you pay 
when you forget to play 

thus, far exceeds 
so called .. worldly 'needs'

Spending time's lost 
loses personal gain's tossed

Gaining inner sight
loathsome fears; take flight!

Katherine Marion 

Friday, August 15, 2014

Beaten-down Women

                                           Beaten-down Women
                                          'Numbers' far outnumber Men

                                           Beaten-down Women
                                           Met many of brave-hearted them?

                                           Beaten-down Women
                                           Don't always appear as the 'hen'

                                           Beaten-down Women
                                           Love .. unto; please do send.

                                           Beaten-down Women
                                           Lied, used, abused.. back then

                                           Beaten-down Women
                                           Unloved, manipulated, again

                                           Beaten-down Women
                                           Caring compassion, does lend

                                           Beaten-down Women
                                           Misogyny's lies, must, now, end!

                                           Katherine Marion                      

                                           Ask a broken-down Woman, ' What is the reason
                                           you continue to love?"

                                           She'll wryly answer; '" So I never turn .. into a
                                           misogynist, like unlikable .. you!"


Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Met Her At The Dollar Store

                                 Met her at the dollar store
                                 not much over 60, she swore

                                 Molested at two months old
                                 by her mother's brother - told

                                 Drives a Harley of her own
                                 life of escapism, full-blown

                                 On drugs, since forever, seems                         
                                 no reprieve, not even in dreams

                                 Her own daughter finds fault
                                 no Mother, to bother to exalt

                                 Beaten-up as a child, often
                                 all too aware of what was 'rotten'

                                 Never trusting that .. so sweet
                                 even ME, whom she doetht meet

                                'Gone', due to dying in her head
                                Living corpse, now, already dead!

                                Katherine Marion


                               So what if I Am 'staying for free' in a low-cost
                               east side hovel in a poverty-stricken neighborhood

                               The cost is mighty high.. when everywhere I go
                               or stay; other's .. have an even higher 'cost' .. they pay!!!
