Sunday, January 10, 2010

Relaxing Into Rawsomeness ... Jan 9, 2010

"No, Mommy. You're not going to get out of bed, today. I am going to look after you," my beloved boy tells me. After sleeping all day, to finally awaken to the tune of missed massage work and even more eager inquiries, all I want to do is climb into an unconsious cloud and lay for a wondrous while.

Then, the clincher comes ... 'If you get out of bed, you aren't going to go on the computer for a week!," Kaelin offers me as a final warning bell, before he sets out to our tiny galley kitchen to prepare the most divinely delectable raspberry, strawberry, banana and tahini smoothie, sweetened with honey. Heaven!

Induced to produce while laying in prone position, I sublimely recline for hours upon happy hour.  Preciously productive and quietely proud that I may still slow down and create a masterpiece called relaxation of the most rawsome and sensationaly tasty sort. Sweetest dreams shall be mine in no time ...

Later, eating apples in bed and watching my sacred son succesfully finish one more challenging crossword puzzle, I am living in utter contentment. Biting into the cold crunchiness of a luscious local Ambrosia apple and reminded of the pure delight that awaits us, as we surrender to the magical moment.

Being treated to the treasures of forgetting about any world outside of oneself can surely be such a telling treat. Remembering all that matters is what is going on inside, right now. Needing nothing and no one to validate, verify or evacuate from the childlike wonderment that awaits my own succulent self.

As sure as John Lennon can make love and international news in a hotel bed; I can lie in mine, and sincerely speak my truth. Tossing back the covers that have held me hostage for far too long, I revel into the rawstruck news that comes from my own inner sanctum. It is safe to sometimes hide away and find peace!

Katherine Marion


Kaelin snaps this quick pic of Momma K as she sits to sip the fabulous fruits of her loving labor's.

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