Saturday, March 6, 2010

Vancouver And Her Olympic-Sized Over-Bite ...

photo: - K.M.

Hiding our thousands of unpopular poor for Olympic tourists to freely see

Pretending acute Vancouver poverty is not an uneccesary everyday reality

Quick erection of shiny looking Canada Line for greedy financial prosperity

Ignoring needs of a  neglected  and underpriveleged lovelessly lost humanity

Popular Canuck tickests easily selling for $200.00 plus in our fairest city

Vancouverites feeling forgotten, prideless and far from invitingly pretty

Canadian citizens unable to afford attending their very own cities event

Un-thanked taxpayers shall find a public way of their own to visibly vent

Tickets written for your immediat arrest if you look  to be without a home

Apartment rentals jacked up volumes more than the hungriest childs moan

Nearly one dozen Star Wars-style floodlights casually erected across the Bay

Welcoming light cast over a dark shadows with plenty to someday safely say

Man-made Disneyland for adults who like to play and leave no message said

Foreign athlete sticken down for many monies made and left for merely dead

No real  truth was ever shared about this highly priced party of  yesterday

The huge price we shall as citizens be forced to sit still with and duly pay

Out of town happy hookers paid $10,00.00 per ungodly kinky business hour

Local merchants wondering how to pay for next months heat and hydro power

Drunken red necks coming into carefully cleaned up victoriou village core

Downtown airbrushed to camouflage deep bruises the world can't ignore

Cops covering well paid guilty government asses that scheme and  smile

Big brown hole hiding dirt thicker than a stink of a volcanic brewing mile

Gernerous local business' practically belly-up weeks on unaffordable end

Small business vendors pretending not to really break as they boldly bend

Revunues lost for small companies who take nothing from nary a soul

Unconsciou corporations netting billions while injustice takes its toll

Drunken party goers with more excuses than money spent on alchohol

Riotous crowds of empty heads simply given room to drool and crawl

I know no conscious person who attended any of our fair winter game

Decent folk know false pride and lies are the biggest sham of a shame!

Katherine Marion


I AM truly excited to post this raw article of mine; posing as a phrophetic poem. Yet within me, there now lives is kinder home.


I wondered why I haven't been feeling so well, lately. Writing about what matters for me. Yet, what about all the rest of us?


I captured this photo with my digital Canon EOS, upon the last evening of our 2010 Vancouver Olympics, that I had not bothered to venture into, for the preceeding 2 weeks of worldwide play and international publicity.

Well worth the inspiration. Thank you just the sane!

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