Friday, September 2, 2011

Friends in High Places .. With Highest Intentions and Bearing Gifts of Fresh Figs!

Hi Katherine,

Thank you very much for that lovely conversation and nice time you shared with me.  It was nice talking with you. You sure are an interesting woman a unique
person who functions at a more conscious level and at a level much closer with nature.  You look better than many 39 year old women, even though you are
51, this is inspirational because I see the results that you got from taking care of yourself for many years.

Do you wanna go harvest a basket of figs with me tomorow evening, late evening as I work in Surrey, or how about Saturday morning.  We have one more week before the season is over.  

Hope you had a nice day and that you feel well.  I had a fine day at work doing maintenance on a 12 building town home complex with my assistant.  Tomorrow I will be pressure washing a building trying to stay ahead of painters who are few days behind us, we are working on a 20 town home buildings total of 100+ units and so things are fine so far.  

I hope your son got major sleep so he caught up some rest.

Check out my video on my site if you like to see some of the funky ways I can move and things I can climb.

good night.



And, my reply, sent today.

Pics are from the other day, by the way!


Dear Lukas, 

Rarely do i check this email address  - thank you!

Your rawsome note is very welcome, indeed. 

Bless you for sharing your fantastic bounty of figs with K2. 

You look so alive, clear- blue eyed, and healthy n these quick snaps. Even though the sun was overexposing me, it shown down upon you quite nicely. Glad i can share some of my goodies, too.

You are quite the energetic and enterprising young man.

i appreciate your thoughtful words and kind compliments, too. Actually, i will soon be 52 on January 5th!

I loved that one arm push-up you see effortlessly performed after working your 14 hour day, as you lifted your feet up the length of your roof-racked car, parked out front. You must come and visit us and turn my teen onto making use of his amazing body/machine, as well. 

We are catching the ferry, laster today, this Friday afternoon. We will be back, either Saturday afternoon or at latest .. Sunday afternoon. 

We would love to harvest some more rawk'n figs with you. 

Living and loving with the highest intentions and raised vibrations, 

in Truth and Tenderness - Katherine

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