Sunday, February 5, 2012

Spring is in the air and not always .. in my step

Blue skies mean nothing

without you

Birds can chirp and sing

adding joy to everything

Blue skies mean nothing

without you

Sun can can shine bright

lost is my girlish delight

Blue skies mean nothing

without you

Breezes can gently blow

all i care to  even know

Blue skies mean nothing

without you

Grass grows back to green

long, strong, and lean

Blue skies mean nothing

without you

Trees offer leaves of light

magic and full of might

Blue skies mean nothing

without you

Petals burst into bloom

Nature offers such room

Blue skies mean nothing

without you

Children come out to play

and all my heard can say;

"Blue Skies mean nothing

without you."

Katherine Marion


My son decided to walk out, at 10:00 pm,
this past evening, after a good rest, herbs,
supplements, and raw vegan foods.

It was all about his laptop, again.

After we had decided to lock it to the
teak dining room table, and change the
code .. until trust is established, again, he
became moody and began to blame me.

There is more. Yet, this is not the time or

The reason i am sharing this truth, is that
King Kaelin has not returned. And, his
habits are becoming so tiring, as i lose
sleep and sometimes hope .. when he
does not come home and I am unable to

For, I am his mother.

I filled up hours and pages .. in my own
home journal, earlier, writing down well
over 2 dozen honorary mentions to '
myself; giving myself massive credit,
where often many do not .. concerning
how I have dealt with .. and transformed
what has been done unto Kaelin and I.

"RESOLVE," is a word that reflects
what i have been doing to bypass the
untimely trespasses that have occurred
in our once so very loving lives.

I so very much miss the magic that was
once upon a trembling hearts time, so very
apparent and prevalent.

Now teen angst prevails. Mostly peer pressure
and impure projections passed on by all too
many of the mentally mad and emotionally
unaware masses.

So much 'work,' and so little 'time.' to get it
right - it  mostly feels.

So little support, outside of myself. So, i have
learned to look within .. even more.

Really beginning to remember poetry, flooding
throughout my feeling being, since i was a teen.
The sweet stuff that i wrote  .. from age 17
 .. during my own torrid time of
emotional turmoil, somehow sustains me.

For if I can continue to express my innermost
feelings, then there is the highly probable chance
that my sacred son can revive his own ..

Even amidst all of the external chaos that he
encounters on a daily basis.

Best to get ourselves and our children back into
nature, where 'the birds and the bees,' are not
some tawdry tart-stuff on our child's computer;
popping up as porn.

A world where innocence prevails and the
'heaviest gales can be met and you bet ...

Believing in a higher power that fills me
with love and gratitude and allows me
to see all for whom they truly are - pure
and filled with the essence of all that is hope
and hopeful,

Mommma K

( known as "Amazing Mommy" to my son,
even though - at age 15 - he may not share
this most heart-opening truth, with the outside
world, that has so sadly, intruded upon us and his
so beautiful 'supernatural' growth. )



As the sun arises and lights up our lovely little
living room, filled with Kaelin's art, roses, positive
affirmations, and so much LOVE!

Enjoy my freshly captured picture.

I am.

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