Saturday, September 22, 2012

They Did Something To My Son

They did somethng terrible to my Son
'In front of God and every blessed One'

Like they stuck him with a poison pin
Letting all their poison's seep, slowly in

They did something terrible to my Son
'In front of God and every blessed One'

Taking him away from breath and breast
Loving Mother he knows to trust as best

They did something terrible to my Son
'In front of God and every blessed One'

Caging heart's caring as only captor's can
before they took him from me and ran

They did something terrible to my Son
'In front of God and every blessed One'

Telling an 8 year old such loveless lies
hope he 'come's to' before his heart dies

They did something terrible to my Son
'In front of God and every blessed One'

I felt it in the rain as I biked this morn
telling truth's that others have foresworn

They did something terrible to my Son
'In front of God and every blessed One'

Tears falling down my perspiring face
loveless lies; leaving bitter taste to trace

They did something terrible to my Son
'In front of God and every blessed One'

Many will choose to shut closing hearts
Loving Mother chooses precious parts

They did something terrible to my Son
"In front of God and every blessed One'

Kaelin may never be the sanest same
after their relentlessly veangeful game

They did something terribel to my Son
'In front of God and every blessed One'

He is hiding not so safely; in dirt's denial
Divinty does not allow Goddess to defile

They did something terrible to my Son
'In front of God and every blessed One'

Deposing him to a gay male foster home
no compassion was his dear heart shown

They did something terrible to my Son
'In front of God and every blessed One'

Sacred bond, troubled minds tried to break
unconditonal love; fashioning to forsake

They did something terrible to my Son
'In front of God and every blessed One'

Projecting all their fears upon kindest He
denouncing innocent love provided by Me

They did something terrible to my Son
'In front of God and every blessed One'

Ministry workers witnessed the bruises
no camera can camouflage wretched ruses

They did something terrible to my Son
'In front of God and every blessed One'

Supervisor's saw 'pain,' plain as dirty day
what will the judge and jurty have to say?

They did something terrible to my Son
'In front of God and every blessed One'

RCMP cautioned me to tread ever lightly
one dark tunnel to now, light up - brightly

They did something terrible to my Son
'In front of God and every blessed One'

Why are so many all so unjustly afraid?
could it be because their bed lays unmade?

They did something terrible to my Son
'In front of God and every blessed One'

He's losing hope with every passing day
decimating divinity was not their to say

They did something terrible to my Son
'In front of God and every blessed One'

He is now 16 and rebelling against truth
his innocence; precioss to unaturally lose

They did something terrible to my Son
'In front of God and every blessed One'

I do not care how others view our love
We have support from Angel's - above

They did something terible to my Son
'In front of God and every blessed One'

I pray for him as I stay up all night long
sending out my lonely, loving song ...

They did something terrible to my Son
'In front of God and every blessed One

Within my heart; hope waits; still and true
Caring about Kaelin; in everything I do

They did something terrible to my Son
'In front of God and every blessed One'

I swear upon my life to free his soul
years of pain; taking their tireless toll

They did something terrble to my Son
'In front of God and every blessed One'

Sleep; I shall, after I see Justice prevail
revealing my heart; to allow Love set sail

They did something terribel to my Son
'In fron of God and every blesssed One'

Remaining undaunted in our plight
Trruth be known; I shall be his light!

Katherine Marion

Feel free to show your support. Join my blog,
post your preciious purest .. on my fb page, join
King Kaelin's purest
channel and let hm know that he is brave to speak his
voice, amidst all the monumental noise.

Thank your for reading my pretty pages. Rather than
further violation by allowing outrageous rages .. sharing
what means to most to me .. is all that I know to set a
brave heart FREE.

Lovingly - Kaelins' "Amazing Mommy"

I am finally coming home, to be licked by our 2 Lab puppies, after
leavig them to sleep, after a coiple of weight workouts' at the local
community centre's, this past eve. Writing in another cafe .. for hours.

I could write a lifetime .. for connecting to a higher source is my love-sent

I am blessed.

With Greatness in Gratitude,
special Momma K

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