Saturday, January 4, 2014

I Spread My Legs on the Counter Top ..

                              I spread my legs on the counter top
                              as i gave my chunk of red cabbage
                              the most Goddess almighty chop

                              Stretching; one long lithsome loin
                              at that confidently, luxurious time
                              firstly, before second, felt by groin

                             I spread my legs on the counter top
                             as i gave my chunk of red cabbage
                             the most Goddess almighty chop

                             Deep breaths of spiral, cooling light
                             still; entering me, filling me ever full
                             morn was magic - can't wait for night!

                            Katherine Marion


                            I could write for ever..
                            Stayed up. all night, again.

                            Once again, surely proving that sadly neglected .. sleep may be more important .                           than one more stutter of a stanza
                            as my magical mind, continues to roll along . upon this non-convulated



  1. Hey I am Rose.I just found your blog and love your openness. Your body and your mind is beautiful. Id love to experience both

  2. I will accept your gift .. of honesty, as just that!

    Thanks, Rosie Posie.

    Love special K

    Please spread my light..
