Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Don't be a Victim

Don't be a victim
of the ineffective system
rendering you barren
of compassion or caring
beating you down
from smile to swollen frown
taking away hopes
turning you onto; drugs, smokes

Don't be a victim
of the ineffective system
harming your values
not what beauty imbues
casting your goals, aside
heart now, closed; brain; fried
running away from truth
turning your fears into super sleuth

Don't be a victim
of the ineffective system
causing you to quit
dampening your soaring spirit
emptying your mind
leading the 'real you, ' way behind
clouding your vision
forgetting your magical mission

Don't be a victim
of the ineffective system
dump your head of B.S.
remove yourself from virtual distress
go into Nature for reality
remember fairies you used to see
trust your own intuition
move; 360 degrees, beyond conscription!

Katherine Marion

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