Thursday, May 14, 2009

Keep Loving Yourself - I am!

This evening, working out at my local gym, I endured listening to "Goodbye, you stupid jerk", playing  on the radio station of poor choice. It took a lot of positive affirmations to help over-ride the underlying negative message of that unwanted music, sending out the most unhealthy message. Good thing I had my weights to lift and uplifting thoughts to carry me safely and soundly through.

In the sacred space of the sauna,  an overzealous European fellow, immediately  remembered me as "a vegetarian"; spraying the heat control mechanism, and sending the unnaturally occurring  heat, wildly soaring to close to 100 degrees. Could it be something in the poison meat he proudly eats? I briefly mentioned a "fast food f__", compared to "making love to your food".  As always, using my own unique analogy of "hiring a prostitute for lack of intimacy" as comparable to a "dead food fix". with nothing  real, vital,  or of lasting  value gained. No wonder he was sweating like a pig!

A quiet female, still  wearing her work-out gear, soon came into the melting hot box. A couple of days earlier, I had already gladly demonstrated a variety of stretches for her to do whilst sweating one's trauma inducing toxins away. So, I left her to fend for heated self,  as I went for cover under a cleansing shower and an intense cold water rinse. Before walking home, a mile, in the pouring rain. On the way out of the consciousness-raising complex of a community centre, I affirmed, "Keep loving yourself".  I was wished the divinely delicious same. Why not? I am always fair game ...

Must be why my umbrella and I arrived just in time to prepare the incredibly edible ingredients for  King Kaelin's Mother's Day Smoothie, made just for me and to be preciously presented on our own yummy channel: www.LitfeOfaGreatMommy/ Tasting just as delicious as I would have dreamed.  Now having the coconut dream of a marvelous memory to help the magic last forever. Flavorful to say the luscious least. 

Most fun of all was traveling  back outside into the rain, to upload my "Mother's Day Massage" video, since we are gratefully borrowing Internet until we figure out how to use our newly delivered wireless rocket. No wonder I am still removing foreign letters, that continue to appear on this screen. Surely,  a symptom of  whetted  particles falling freely from the night sky  and onto ...  My innocent  son, of course, sagely suggests,  "Just get a new keyboard". Yes!  It's all so simple. Maybe, it is. Why not believe it to so beautifully be. I am!


Katherine Marion


Be sure and check out Kaelin's own blog: www. Leave him plenty of conscious commentary,  too. Thanks.

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