Sunday, May 31, 2009

Sharing My Wealth

My gifts are many. Few are my concerns. Loving my sacred self. Empowering others to live the life they choose to create. Feeling happy because it heals everyone around me. Seeing beauty everywhere  I look. Creating space to really touch another. Making a divine difference in this world. Being the best I can purely and preciously be.

Simple is the truth. Not always easy to follow. Much easier to lead by positive example. Allow others to sadly wallow. Fear has no place in a life worth living. First comes gratitude. Then proceed to forgiving. Opening up a broken heart takes patience. Compassion for yourself is paramount. No one can be helped until you look after the only one who really does count.

We are the only ones who can win the war. From the inside out. The battle ensues. Too many "To Do's".  An overflowing casket of "What If's?" " I can't" until the unfed cows come home."You Shouldn't"... except when no one's looking. "Oh, I really couldn't" ... because I don't believe in magic. Well, you are your  success story. Write your  happy ending. Just start NOW!

Knowing With All My Heart,



My ever rising Son just plopped down on the bed to quickly read my latest LOVE LETTER TO BELOVED YOU. Before he jumped back on his bike, he hollered " I love it!" I trust you shall, as wondrously well.


Stay tuned in and turned on ... for my upcoming video upload: "In The Kitchen with Kaelin", as he kindly prepares me a Mothers Day Smooooooithie. Recipe for Love and Light - included!!!!

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