Tuesday, January 17, 2012

There's SNOW .. place like home!

There's snow place ... like home

wish I knew a God-like gnome

he'd have snowballs of chrome

together, we'd go wild and roam

There's snow place ... like home

that's what i say, on the phone

creating one more purest poem

allowing MAGIC to set her tone

There's snow place .. like home

just as Doe-White did thus intone

dark hair tossed and wind-blown

dress; by 3 Dwarf's, neatly sewn

There's snow place ... like home

fairytale; not always well known

what we have not been shown

hits us when we are full grown

There's snow place ... like home

the Grinch admitted with a groan

bedding down with a diva drone

letting out a mischievous moan

There's no place ...  like home

Snowflake lands on ocean loam

lending light to monochrome

of Nature; there be'st not clone

There's snow place ...  like home

of all the places I've ever known

or found, with a fine tooth comb

sexy Icicle, inner soul - now shown

There's snow place .. like home

be it beggar, Santa, or dog-bone

handy habit I do hugely condone

 Snowgirl; play as wise as Crone!

Katherine Marion



My sweet snowman: King Kaelin, who
manages to melt my heart .. every single
teardrop of a timeless time, took this
pretty pic of Magical Mommy Me - this
past early Monday morning.

On our way to visit a local school district,
where we visited a very unique mini-
school program. Taking part in 'circle' and
sharing his truth, my lifer-homeschooler,
honed his life skills and listen carefully.

Next week, he visits with the grade 10'ers,
after they return home froma week-long
camping trip, up a local mountain, Snow-
shoing and building caves that melt with
the first sign of sunshine's smile!

Guess, I shalt retire to beddy-bye, in a
short and sublime while. It's been a full
day with fluffy chunks to chew on ... for
later. If you can't help but love Frosty ..
then, your Vancouver Snow Queen;
better get ready to melt down .. beside
happiest HER!


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