Tuesday, January 3, 2012

One thing I know ...

One thing I sure know

not all of the very same

makes one person grow

some are a little sane

most will never know

Second thing I learned

a un-opened heart

is  too easily spurned

one breaking part

sorrow; well earned

Third thing I am seeing

many souls so lost

hope has been fleeing

trauma the cause

heart no longer seeing

Fourth thing I was told

"Your on your very own"

wise before i was old

some seeds never sown

sometimes i feel so cold

Fifth thing I wish for

all dreams to come true

for my teen that I adore

for real truth's are few

love is deep to the core!

Katherine Marion


How many emotions do most
of us make it through, in not so
simply - one day?

Could barely decide if that was
an explanation or a question mark.

So much to overcome when we
are coming through ...

Imagine what it must have been
like  being birthed.

Then, giving yourself the gift
of a re-birth,  on this unearthly

Most have already decided on
their worldly hell.

Mine is heaven, here .. and

Making my own,

special K


Now, for the personal part:
since i am fearless, i am able
to impart; my son did something
this morning and I held him
accountable; as the autonomous
individual that he counts himself
to so blessedly be.

Thus, there may be consequences
to what occurred, that are beyond
my powers. And, again,with
the innate and infinite power of
my heart's capacity for light ...
all may be more than ever and
all and forever .. right!

Now, 'that' deserves nothing
short of an explanation - mark!


Special K - singing her song in
the sweet and sacred wetness of
the voluminous Vancouver rain.

p.p.s. -  or maybe even more "p'"s

Besides, how i so deeply care for
my sweetest soul-mate, son ...

There is something else on my
magical mind and somewhat
riddling my inner sense of Peace.

A very ill person has been
pursuing me, for almost as long
as my 15 year young son is old.

She has caused great trauma's
in our lives and is a slanderous
and somewhat dark spirit.

I can feel her spikes digging in.

Which is exactly why i am
letting her hold on me, go.

Nothing that an intense workout
at the gym  won't help loosen.

A hot bath, afterwards ...

Dirty energy .. down the drain.


p.p.p.p s - no B.S.

Then, there was quite a dis-
respectful email to me, from
a male that my son respects.

Along with a past love letter
from a male who wrote that
"love is more than just a word."

And, haven't i heard pretty
much - them all ...

Now, Goddess forbid that
I share the rest of my day.

Well, since my new life is
merely beginning, I have
plenty of room to glow ...



1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for your positive commentary, dear Suzie.

    Looking forward to seeing your blog and how you share your own truth.

    Very special K
