Sunday, May 31, 2009

A Good Day To Live

I listen to my Son singing, "We are building a religion" by NWO ( New World Order), in the living room. And, my happy heart smiles. After showing me his newly created www.Facebook. com/kaelin.w.marion page, I duly impressed with the political statement my beautiful boy is choosing to so magically make, in his own unique way. Now, it is finally, my private time to express how I feel. Yes!

"Which tea would you like?" I hear a sweet voice echo from the kitchen
. I wisely decide upon Ginger. My 13 year young herbal tea-totteler chooses Vanilla Honey, his latest favorite. Soon, Kaelin shall continue writing  in his Gratitude Journal and I shall kindly allowed my space. In the not so mean-time, there is forever a world of wonder to savor and fully appreciate. Right here, in front of multi-blessed me.

Counting my blessings has become one of the most  favored parts of my day. Achieving in a moment or two, all that all too many never find safely contained within, in a lost and lonely lifetime. Fortunately, this is not my consciousness-raising case. Must be the pretty flowers I tend to on a divinely basis. Watering my wonders. Sprinkling with light. Covering with love. Taking care to nurture all beauties bestowed upon me. Knowing all together too well, how fragile life can be and how vitally important it is to sometimes take one's treasures  in from the rain.

Our very tipsy neighbors stagger up the stairs, before surely falling into a loving tryst. I slowly leave my quiet reverie and  remember this is Sunday morning,  While I may be content to choose a bike-ride, weight work-out, sauna, and meaningful spiritual encounters of the highest chakra balancing, I am merely a cog on a mostly unconscious wheel. Yet, since when did the the real truth of the matter deter me? Rather, I am duly, spurned onward ....

As rooted as the old  and trusty tree that towers outside our lovely living-room window, I remain grounded. As centered as the shining sun that bakes my browning skin and brightens my ever expanding horizon. As sure as the twinkling stars that never fall from a darkening sky. As safe as a newborn attached to  a Mother's loving breast. As right as the rain creating one more stream of consciousness. As golden as any sunset I have yet to feast my grateful eyes upon. I am.

"Would you like some honey with your tea?", the eternal voice of innocence beckons forth. Affirming, "Yes, please!",  I suck on a big spoon of sweetness that seems to permeate every living cell of my being. Tasting more delectable fruits of my desires is simply and truly one of the most gratifying and whole-hearted soul-satisfying gifts I am encountering on a regular and bold-faced basis. Thus, a short while afterwards, as newly blown bubbles mysteriously blow my wondrous way, I feel it is merely mine to quite unapologetically say, "Gotta go". You never know. This may just be my last opportunity to really and most sincerely blow .....

In The Conscious Company Of Angels,



Please enjoy this uplifting rendering of my darling Angel, captured by my and gratefully shared on one of my many sites set high ....


  1. You haven't even been feeding this boy. Look at those jutting ribs, and those arms, like twigs.
    You've been starving him into meekness havent you, and then abusing his helpless mind and body too weak to resist you.


  2. Goddess, how do i delete .. harassers!

    Goddess Bless you, darling Kaelin and i am sorry for any unkindness that have ever come forth .. from me sharing on my blog.

    lovingly mommy K
