Saturday, August 28, 2010


Brave being who can with-stand virtually anything

Magical  Mommy remaining eternally  rooted

Electrifying energy brightening every room

Woman of instinct safely guided none too soon ...

Losing my 8 year old son to the government

Gaining insightt with another knife in my back

Forgetting sleep while remembering to watch my step

So much pain that I have not yet written, spoken or wept

Pulling out my own hair for two trauma-induced years

Letting go of fears that keep me from moving forward

Remembering  to dust off my Angel wings and fly

Leaving behind the sordid past to let my tears naturally dry

Loving people who still do not know how to love themselves

Knowing that I am no one's caregiver or caretaker unless I choose

Seeing that my son must shine in order for me to really stay alive

Trusting Mother Nature to nurture me as I begin to really thrive

Preparing for internal success of the most sacred Goddess-sort

Observing warning signs to be seen and listened to carefullly

Leaving nothing to guess-work and only to universal design

Allowing all highest vibrational forces to universally alighn!

Accepting The LOVE I Am and so Divinely Deserve,

Katherine Marion - feature columnnist


Last night, my sweet and soaring star, had not much opportunity to soar ...
under the brightest full moon, that had not yet, enterered the bluest evening early evening sky.

A gang of teens jumped out of a small green vehicle, in the alley next to ours, and pinned my son into position ...

Within a moment his marvelous mass of magical hair - all 2 ft of it - was severed from his bright and beautiful being!

Within a few minutes, Kaelin came crying, in the most 'man in the magical making' way, befitting a real lion of a gentleman, to his Amazing Mommy

Holding his golden plait, outstretched in his openen hand, as in the Lion Cub  offering the Lioness; his worthy offering of LOVE

Within minutes of my severely shaken, and yet, very brave boy, sharing his story .. a scared child was laying his heavy head - sans sunlighened -gold for hair- in the safety of his Mother's loving lap

Oh, what a cruel world this can be, is what I feel tempted to say to my growing son, as he feels the ache of leaving the innocence of childhood, to enter into a far less enchanting forest, filled with monsters and demons of the most life-like and sordid earth-forsaking sort.

I keep my mouth hushed and I whisper into his open heart ... how truly proud I am of him and his achievement in simply being here, upon this precious planet, as he breathes beauty into each and every soul whom enters his sphere, no matter whether over there in a sunlit back alley or righfully and happily, right here ...

Biting my tongue, I trust my instincts that tell me to carry my soaring old soul over to a safer place, so that he may remain as gentle and untouched as the sacred flower that he so genuinely is meant to be - allowing him to grow and glow as Nature and Nurture , are  gratefully intending ...

Bless me for I am his Mother and I know no other Power stronger than LOVE!!!!



This pic was taken by my happy homeschooler, Kaelin, after he raced ahead, as sure-footed as a gorgeous Gazelle .. atop this Goddess' gorgeous graxing point - at Frosty Peak, 14 km above luscious Lightening Lake, that I swam in later ... - to watch our series of video's recently uploaded and still .. uploading - "Rawsome Road To Recovery" - or 10 DAYS TO BANFF AND BACK\!!!!

Feel free to join my consciousness-raising channel and post your life-affirming commentary.

Thanks from my sunniest peaks.


  1. well, looks like he is being inducted ( whether willing or not) into the hall of fame, tribe, of men. Even though he is tucked away from others by your different lifestyle, still they will come for him as he is overdue for the tribal ritual which under more social circumstances, is not done in such a cocksure way, but since kaelin being so fleeting , so unavailable, they have lfet a calling card that he will soon be looking forward to rituals of manhood, which you cannot protect him from since time immemorial. I only wish you would not tell him everyone else is so poisonous, as it makes his experience really scary, they are only men after all and they do have their different ways. he hides his hair mostly anyway, it will grow again, let him be with boys Kat he is a boy!

  2. Dearest Jeanne,

    My wondrous way of mothers is that which might be refered to as "Attachment Parenting." In a wounded world where most hardly even acknowledge their own children, let alone, when left virtually alone .. choose to bravely and brilliantly honor their own forgotten child .. within, by validating that blessed boy or girl that whence came from and through them.

    You and I have very different ways of raising our men in the making ...

    One, especially you, should ever assume that you even know why K2 are raising ourselves as we are. Why not ask and learn and use the knowledge and wisdow we many very well have, rather than criticise and comdemn, when falsely assuming that I tell "him everyone else is so posisonous."

    Isn't it interesting how Kaelin is always so calm, focused and gounded. Wonder where that ever came from? Not from being left alone to be 'fixed" by his peers, as you so falsely perceive.

    I am his Mother and I have an in-born responsibility to do and be what is right fro my shining son.

    Who is anyone to know what is best for mine own, except me and mine own!

    Girls wear short hair. Boys can wear long hair.

    Let go of your own self-induced misconceptions, Mommy J - Dearest, and feel free to send out love, anytime.


  3. K1 ofcourse boys can wear long hair, colored hair anything they want, no matter theya re still boys no matter.
    I am reading is all, k got a calling card of the world of his own sex and they missed his indoctrination ritual is all, if it is missed they get tiffed, and it comes around I know I seen it happen and whether we like it or not us in our magical womens/mommy world need to see that the male thinks differently...even K does he is of a different gender.
    So he met some gender benders is all and his beautiful hair will grow back, I am thank ful that they did not more harm then that...Kaelin has good energy and there are messages every where in our experiences--view it in so many ways not just one way , it is said that there are 72 different ways to view the one thing, and keep it positive and not so victim like. The universe is kind.
    He has to separate at some point, didn't you hear of the most awesome journey a boy makes to be King? It is separation from his first love, his Mommy, and this is important for his continuing growth in independence....the separation hurts either way, it is a cut seemingly but the end does not have to be tragedy K1. In his journey to become King ( not boy) he will have to be able to pass thru the guilt of separation, he will undergo his own person dragon slaying and rescuing damsels and so many more trials and in the end ( that never ends) he comes out a Knight and King. Not any longer a quivering frightened boy, but able to withstand his trials on his own, I did not make this up K1, this is an important psychological journey.

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