Thursday, March 10, 2011

Memories made of Moon-Lit Magic

This lovely lady who lived down the lane

 loves to sometimes visit, all over again

The moon is ripe with promise and hope

illuminating memories on a larger scope

That time in our life was ever bitter-sweet

dissolving shadows, newest light to peek

Those were joyous times for my son and I

creating a bond that we shall  not see  die

There will not be any other alley as dear

dreams; made into bliss, from others fear

This is all that counts in one's shortest life

knowing we can transform, beyond strife

Then, we found one another; making whole

now, forever lives a sweet and soaring soul

This feels like  the most perfect  place to be

happiness; our home; rising Son and Mommy!

Katherine Marion


First,  I am giving my Goddess-sent gratitude to the hopefully romantic man who came into my life at this near - tragic time ... 'Sir Antoni' gave me his heart and the gift of this Canon EOS digital, so many brightest moons ago. Making one more prettiest poem and picture of my loving life - POSSIBLE!

Secondly, I am grateful to have been invited into our x-landlady - Dianne's living room,  and fed a rawsome meal, with Kaelin, a few months ago, after finally getting up the nerve to knock at her front door. After aching to do so ..for the last many yearning years.

Thirdly, I am grateful to the Ministry of Children and Families, for finally being persuaded by all .. that they had made a hellish error, in taking my shining son - in the first pain-stricken place. Yet, at the same torrid time, forcing me to move myself into better alignment, in order to welcome my Son home to my happiest open heart.

Mostly, I am grateful to my bright and brilliant boy, who was taken by the government, from his magical Mommy, at the tender ago of 8 - a week before Xmas. For 7 soul-molesting months, he endured beyond the realm of what any sweetest spirit should ever be asked to endure. He is the truest hero - for Supernatural sure!!!!

Lastly, I am grateful that I kept believing ...which brought our cottage in Marpole into fateful fruition. Helping to settle my mind into a calmer space - where I would remember how to receive and literally 'change the winds of time' as I healed and allowed Truth to be revealed.


Daughter of the moon - Katherine


Soon, our other computer will be working .. in order to upload this recent photo, that I was blessed to capture - close to magical midnight. Can't wait to share ...

Thank for your patience.

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