Monday, September 10, 2012

          Good Fur All

Yesterday, Thelma drank my bath water

shedding golden -white hair onto the floor

allowing me a mere 10 minutes of peace

before a massage client came to my door

The day before, Edward bit my nose in joy

his sister merely licked my yelping mouth

scrambling for cover from 2 fur-balls of light

one the assertive bitch and the other, baby boy

One day, beginning to eat an old friends diaper

she wasn't 'so gone' that we had to wipe her

just that it made a mess on my ruined floors

and only cause these canines really do like her

Tomorrow will be more tails to sleepily unfold

my teen's personal petting zoo to not lift a hand

a primal way of living in innocence and wonderh

accepting The Now; with love's happy heart to hold

Katherine Marion


Our pure-bred Lab puppies - "Yin and Yang: my Marpole neighbors
now call em- since i once made this rawk'n reference .. just turned
6 months young on September 4th.

With 4 months or so ... 'under my belt' of loving and looking after
them - both, I am hooked. The best way to 'get over' anything ... is
to settle oneself right into 'the moment' and allowing Magic to do
her wondrous work.

With fur-sight and balls,



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