Thursday, November 18, 2010

Sunrise HAIKU


               Early morning sky

        Scratched by branches of truth

            Light revealing beauty

                Katherine Marion

I wrote "Sunrise Haiku", tonight, in unison with my new vision; reminding myself that all that exists is ligtt and shadow. One cannot live without the other. Or, die ...

Frist there is the light. The shadow breeds in the nestling crook. Shadows seem to hide. Yet, how often they illuminate what we were before unable to see.

Darkness is expected. Due to the knowing; that where the sun shines, there shall also be darkness. To expect nothing less and short of this truth, is to protect ourselves.

Open the curtains to reveal the darkened shade.

I am.

Goddess-sent Creature of the Loving Light,



This image camte to me, the other morn, after staying up all night. In the early morn, I watched in awe ... As the sky tuned the pinkest pearly parts, in one cozy corner. Upon the other side of the Earth, facing Richmond, I was forced to reckon with a reddening sky. Clamoring and climbing for attention ... What do do?

Shoot 'em both.

Simply one side ...

Sharing All,


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